Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Euthanasia - Assisted Suicide Or Assisted Dying - 2174 Words

The terms euthanasia, assisted suicide or assisted dying denotes the intentional killing of a person suffering from an incurable disorder and originates from Greek words Eu (good) and Thanatos death. Dowbiggin, (2003) states that pre-Christian societies tolerated suicide, abortions and ‘active’ euthanasia, the death of a person from fatal medications given by a second person. However, not all society was so tolerant of such practices, according to Mcphearson (2015), Hippocrates and his followers took an oath to do no harm to their patients, which included the prohibition of giving a deadly drug to patients. Today, the medical world considers Hippocrates as the father of ethical medicine and as such the Hippocratic oath remains the ethical foundation of current medical practice (ibid). Baker (2006) suggests that ethical knowledge was enhanced in the 17th century when Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor, created a new deathbed role for physicians offering outward euthanasia, a pain free death for the dying body, in direct response to the clergy s disregard of scientific knowledge. It can be theorised that in creating this role, Bacon had empowered physicians to show beneficence, towards the dying. Paulus (2009) suggests that many regard beneficence, to do good for others, as basic principle of 21st century Palliative Care. Indeed, Together for Short Lives (2016) defines Palliative Care for children and young people with life-limiting conditions, as a holistic approach toShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia Essay : Euthanasia And Euthanasia863 Words   |  4 PagesThis is why Euthanasia is important and summarizing the research that I found on Euthanasia. Euthanasia is important because there is a lot of arguments about Euthanasia. 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He asphyxiated her with exhaust from his pick-up (Heinrich).    Assisted Suicide is somewhat related to Euthanasia. The word Euthanasia comes from the Greek language: eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death. The meaning of the word has evolved from good death . It now refers to the act ofRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1629 Words   |  7 Pagesproblems, assisted suicide creates options to reduce the amount of suffering the patient must enduring. Dying with dignity could be beneficial for not only the person who is dying, but also the person’s family and loved ones. This option, however, is often viewed as unethical and immoral throughout society. Physician-assisted suicide offers an option for those with health issues but poses various ethical and social issues. 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